Door #4: The Post Office Strikes Back!
JAMPA: Why is Jampa back at the post office? Jampa is tired of post office puns. Jampa needs to grow as an artist.KABLOO: Apparently, this place is glowing again, and there's another gift behind this other door, right Klaus? Klaus?... Hey, KLAUS!
KLAUS: "Reach not for all that glitters"... what do you mean, you tricky little adverb?...
TODDY: It's no use, he's been working on that riddle ever since we got back to the tavern last night. He was even babbling in his sleep about giant knives.
KABLOO: Well, you can't control your knife dreams. Isn't he kinda old though? Goblins usually start having them at puberty. Anyway, let me just push these boxes out of the way of the door and we can get in there--
TODDY: What the shit!? I was promised a knife-free future! I'll solve a riddle for treasure or get stabbed for treasure, but not both, goddamn it!
KLAUS: Oh gods...
KABLOO: Aargh... keep your pants on, Klaus, I'm on the way with heals!.
JAMBA: Is big hat man delirious?
KABLOO: No, just tedious. And if you're well enough to bore me, you're well enough to wait for heals! Gya ha, treasure, here I come!
KABLOO: Look, look! I got it! No monsters or anything inside! Hee hee, you fools never put monsters with your traps. Now goblins, we know how to put a trap together. A worg in every pit and an ambush around every bear trap, that's the way to keep the gnome meat coming!
KLAUS: Hmm, this is more like it! We shouldn't open it out here, of course, but I'm detecting some interesting magic inside. <shake shake> I suggest that we get back to the tavern so that I can identify it. Toddy? Jampa? What do you think?
KABLOO: They've been looting while you've been flapping your gums, old man.
JAMPA: Elf was right, giant knife is fun! Jampa wants to throw it at something!
TODDY: Let's go back to the tavern and find something--- hey, did we kill that horse yet?
The Crunch: the Knife-Launching Box, and the Fog-Runner's Relic
In the little drama that exists only in my mind, the boxes next to the door in today's entry were a perfectly clever little trap/puzzle that the party stumbled blindly into because they misapplied the riddle to the previous room, wasting all the time that the GM spent coming up with the encounter. And now, not only have I wasted the time to actually write the rules for that trap, but I'm needlessly explaining the context. I would need a TARDIS to waste time in more dimensions than this.New Trap
Spring-Loaded Gift Box
CR 6
XP 1,600
Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25
Effects Trigger touch (poking, shaking, dropping or unwrapping the box); Reset no reset
Effect explosion (1d10 fire damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half damage); flying knives (Atk +15, 1d2 flying knives per target for 1d6+1 damage each); multiple targets (all targets within 10 feet)
(The Spring-Loaded Gift Boxes in this story are wrapped in the Paper of Puzzlement described below, making them a substantially tougher threat. That is, in theory; the paper doesn't matter if you just kick the boxes over, as our protagonists did.)
New Wondrous Item
Paper of Puzzlement
Aura moderate illusion (but see below); CL 8th
Slot none; Price 18,000 gp; Weight --
This roll of thick paper is sometimes found in plain brown, but is more often glossy and decorated with bright, colorful designs. A single roll contains 4 sheets. One sheet is enough to completely wrap a non-living object of Tiny size or smaller; this takes 2 minutes. While the paper of puzzlement completely wraps an object, both the object and the paper itself resist all divination effects unless the caster succeeds at a DC 23 caster level check (1d20+caster level). To failed detect effects, the paper and the object appear non-magical, non-trapped, etc. Effects like clairvoyance simply fail. The paper of puzzlement wears through one week after use, though it is possible to use multiple sheets on a single object to increase the effect's duration, up to a maximum of 4 weeks for an entire roll. Each sheet becomes non-magical after its first use.The listed price and cost are for a roll of 4 sheets.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection; Cost 9,000 gp
The Gift
Fog-Runner's Relic
Aura moderate conjuration [light]; CL 12
Slot neck; Price 17,300 gp; Weight --
A rugged caribou-leather strap suspends this spherical, bright red amulet, which at first glance appears to be a vibrant red ball of marble or glass, but feels organic to the touch and smells of snowy forests. The relic is such a brilliant red that one might say it glows; in fact, it sheds crimson-tinted illumination continuously as continual flame. As a standard action, the wearer may increase this illumination, creating a piercing red fog-light that penetrates not only darkness, but fog, mist, precipitation, and the like. While the fog-light is active, the wearer not only sheds light as a sunrod, but also diminishes the effect of all environmentally-based concealment within the area of illumination. The fog-light negates partial concealment and reduces full concealment to partial concealment. This effect works on both magical and non-magical fog, smoke, etc., but has no effect on non-environmental sources of concealment like blur, nor does it affect concealment due to any darkness that remains within its area of illumination.
The wearer may use the fog-light for a total of one hour per day, which he may split up into increments as short as 10 minutes.
The light cast by a fog-runner's relic counts as a 6th level spell effect for purposes of interacting with magical darkness.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, continual flame, daylight; Cost 8,650 gp
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